• IZTECH Book Fountain İYTE Kitap Çeşmesi


We have realized a monument project that we have undertaken to reflect the images of "science" and "book", which IZTECH has become a source of pride for the society and the country with its achievements. The "Book Fountain" monument we have built is designed as a book-shaped seating unit and a fountain. Located inside the IZTECH campus, this monument is positioned in front of the School of Languages building, which is the base of the campus.

Our monument has a seating unit in the form of two books stacked on top of each other. The difference in level between the books placed on top of each other creates the ideal space for sitting. The truncated cone-shaped fountain integrated into the building provides our students free drinking water thanks to its purification system. There are three faucets in the Book Fountain monument. Precast was used in the Book Fountain monument. 

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  • Location

    İzmir, Turkey

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